Wholesale Inquiries

Wholesale Inquiry Form:

Thank you for your interest in becoming a wholesale partner with Black Owl. Please email us and provide us with the following information so that we can better understand your business needs. Once we receive your inquiry, our team will review it and get in touch with you as soon as possible.


1. Company Name:
2. Contact Name:
3. Email Address:
4. Phone Number:
5. Website (if applicable):
6. EIN Number - Business Resell #: 
7. Business Type: (e.g., retailer, distributor, online store)
8. Business Address:
9. Years in Business:
10. Do you currently sell hemp-derives cannabis products?
11. Which products are you interested in wholesale?
12. How did you hear about us?
13. Additional Comments or Questions:

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. We look forward to the possibility of working together and providing you with high-quality hemp-derived cannabis products.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods